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Inventory #001
One-off cyanotypes printed on Japanese Kaji paper and methyl cellulose
closed 19.5 x 20 in, installation dimension variable. 



Inventory #002
One-off cyanotype 20 x 13 in. book printed on Japanese Kaji paper hand
bound with Belgium linen and embroidered with linen thread.

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Liminal Schwelle
A one of a kind letterpress 13.25 x 11 x .5 in. wood block printed book on
Japanese Kaji and persimmon paper, tar, wax and bound with gut,
with 4 printed inserts.

10 x 6.25 x .5 in.
Copier printed images

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Thickness of Time
18.75 x 14 x .75 in.
A one of a kind hand bound book using oil based monoprints and 
printed images various Japanese papers, wax and tar.

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Inhalation / Exhalation
A one of a kind letterpress 12 in. x 9.5 in. book containing archival
digital images printed on unique handmade Japanese papers.